Adopt-A-Spot in Lewisville!
Adopt-A-Spot is a program developed by Keep Lewisville Beautiful. It gives individuals and groups a public way to show pride in our community and to help keep Lewisville litter-free.
About the program:
The Keep Lewisville Beautiful Adopt-A-Spot program encourages citizen participation in beautification projects and litter clean-ups of designated public areas on a monthly basis in the Lewisville community. A spot could be a park, trail, road, creek (see Clean Stream Team Program), median, or city entryway monument sign. Individuals, organizations, and/or businesses may agree to keep a designated spot cleared of litter for a period of one year or more. All areas are subject to approval by KLB and the City of Lewisville. To adopt an area you must live or work in Lewisville.
KLB partners with the City to approve locations, and install an Adopt-A-Spot sign with the name(s) of program participant(s) in their adopted area. KLB provides free cleanup supplies to adopters to help maintain the adopted areas (appropriate to the size of your group) including: trash bags, cotton or plastic gloves, safety vests, and litter grabbers, and keep a yearly log of adopter’s hours and bags of trash collected.
Most spots within the city limits that are not currently maintained by an adopter may be adopted, with special attention to those places that appear neglected and trash-ridden. Please note that areas such as Hwy 121, Main Street, I-35, and FM 3040 are not adoptable due to TxDot regulations.
The Adopt-A-Spot program is a free community program. To help with program costs, KLB encourages Adopt-A-Spot participants to become Keep Lewisville Beautiful members at a level they are comfortable with.
Program benefits:
A cleaner community
A healthier and safer environment for residents and wildlife
A sense of community service and community pride
A better place to do business
Recognition by Keep Lewisville Beautiful
Community service credits for youth groups and other organizations that can be signed off by KLB staff
You can participate by:
Litter control
Beautification/landscaping (select areas that are pre-approved only)
Reporting volunteer hours and bags of trash collected on a monthly basis
- Creating cleanup opportunities that fit your group’s needs and schedules
Everyone can participate (children must have adult supervision):
Youth groups
- Neighborhood Associations
- Scouts
- Hiking and biking enthusiasts
- Schools and School clubs
- Non-profit groups and Civic organizations
What to do next:
- Fill out an application and submit to Keep Lewisville Beautiful
- KLB will help you select a location that it close to your home/school/business that is appropriate to the capabilities and size of your group
- Each group member must sign a general release form waiver prior to volunteering.
Program Guidelines:
- All locations must be approved by KLB and the City of Lewisville prior to sign installation
- Adopters must live or work in Lewisville
- Adopters must maintain a minimum commitment of one year
- Adopters should pick up trash on a monthly basis and report hours and bags to KLB
- Periodic submission of group photos are suggested so that we can highlight YOUR efforts in our community.
- Sign changes may be made on a case by case basis, once a year when the contract is up for renewal.
- KLB reserves the right to terminate an individual or group’s participation in the program with or without cause.